Monthly Archives: March 2014

The basic steps to follow that can help in preventing hair loss and damage

A luxuriant mane of hair is integral to our personalities and plays an important role in making an impression. The lack of hair often gives an incomplete look to the person and is often a point for ridicule. So if you are one of those lucky people than make sure that you take proper care of your hair. Hair care is not a very difficult task to do and there are some simple steps that can help you in solving any kind of hair-related problems.



Step-1: Be gentle with your hair and give it special attention on a periodic basis. Treat your hair with care and make sure that you massage your scalp with your fingertips while conditioning. This will not only resume blood flow through your scalp but will also ensure that the necessary nutrients seep into the scalp and hair cuticles. The nutrients will ensure better quality of hair and will also provide more strength to the follicles.

Step-2: Conditioning the hair at least 3 times in a week. The hair and skin are two of the most pollution-affected parts and need regular cleansing. The hair should be cleansed everyday and should be conditioned at least 3 times a week. The conditioning is needed to replenish all the lost nutrients in the hair.


Step-3: A good diet is also important for having good looking healthy hair. If you want good hair then you need to watch what you eat. There are some foods that are beneficial to hair such as cod oil, proteins, fruits, etc. Also stay away from harmful trans-fat and junk food as they lead to an increasing amount of harmful oil in your blood stream. This oil can be one of the causes for clogged pores and that in turn will lead to hair fall.


The above points are pretty basic ones and are also the most crucial ones to follow if you need to have healthy and damage free hair. The selection of hair care products should also be made wisely and it is best to go for products that are tried and tested. You will find a reputed online supplier of quality hair care products at