The Primary Factors that Damage the Hair and Preventive Measures Against them


Hair care is an integral part of total body care and is of utmost importance. Hair is on the head is considered no less than a crown and its importance can be best stressed by a person who doesn’t have it. The hair is the ultimate fashion and style option that can easily add beauty and personality to your presence. Therefore it is imperative that you take complete care of it at all times.

First of all we need to understand the causes of damage to hair and how do they damage the inner hair follicles.

The first and foremost destroyer of rich, shining hair is the sun that almost toasts it. Not only does the hair instantly lose moisture but the sun also causes a string of hair problems. These problems include hair breakage, split ends and hair loss, etc. The effect of the sun on hair cannot be stressed enough and that is the very reason why hair care is immensely needed during hot summers.

Another problem is the very harmful UV rays or Ultra-Violet rays that come with sunlight. UV rays have the wavelength to penetrate the outer cuticle layer of the scalp and reach into the hair roots or cortex. As the rays penetrate they heat up the area and subsequently evaporate the moisture from the scalp. This results in a dry scalp and that in turn results in dandruff and the hair losing its natural volume. Hair becomes less elastic and prone to breakage. Studies have also shown that UV rays can also cause premature graying of the hair.


The next factors that lead to hair damage are the quality of water in the area. Hard water or heavy water is another damaging reason behind hair problems. Technically hard or heavy water are the ones that have an abundance of chemicals or elements in them. These chemicals bleach the hair or suck out all the essential oils thus leaving it dry and brittle. This brittle hair then leads to easy breakage of the hair, split ends and even baldness.

There are a total of three primary solutions to all these hair problems and that is deep conditioning of the hair, covering the hair and finally is selecting the best hair care products for your hair. The products that you buy need to be ideal for your hair type and also try the ones that have a natural base.


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